FILE PHOTO: Outgoing Indian PM Manmohan Singh along with India's Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi sit after paying respects at the Rajiv Gandhi memorial during the former Indian PM's 23rd death anniversary, in New Delhi
- Código: 28566540
- Data do Conteúdo: 26/12/2024
- Inclusão no Site: 26/12/2024 14:38:15
- Legenda: FILE PHOTO: Outgoing Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, along with India's Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi sit after paying respects at the Rajiv Gandhi memorial on the occasion of the former Indian Prime Minister's 23rd death anniversary in New Delhi, India May 21, 2014. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi/File Photo ORG XMIT: DEL11
- Serviço/Categoria: Reuters / Reuters Internacional
- Crédito: Reuters/Folhapress
- Dimensão: 23cm x 15cm
- Tamanho: 4.78 megapixels
- Resolução: 300 dpi
- Palavras-chave: N/A