Alternative for Germany (AfD) holds federal conference in Riesa
- Código: 28652091
- Data do Conteúdo: 11/01/2025
- Inclusão no Site: 11/01/2025 08:47:22
- Legenda: Riesa (Germany), 11/01/2025.- Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and faction co-chairwoman and top candidate for the federal election Alice Weidel attends the party's federal conference in Riesa, Germany, 11 January 2025. The AfD holds the 16th Federal Party Congress on 11 and 12 January to elect the party's candidate for chancellor and to adopt its federal election program, ahead of the early general elections scheduled on 23 February. (Elecciones, Alemania) EFE/EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK ORG XMIT: EA6618
- Serviço/Categoria: EFE / Política
- Crédito: Agência Efe/Folhapress
- Dimensão: 28cm x 19cm
- Tamanho: 7.49 megapixels
- Resolução: 300 dpi
- Palavras-chave: POLITICIAN; party congress