EU Commission Weekly college meeting in Brussels
- Código: 28681390
- Data do Conteúdo: 15/01/2025
- Inclusão no Site: 15/01/2025 06:08:05
- Legenda: Brussels (Belgium), 15/01/2025.- Teresa Ribera, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for Competition, takes the seat of President Ursula von der Leyen during the Weekly European Commission College meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 15 January 2025. President von der Leyen, 66, was hospitalized for severe pneumonia from 02 to 10 January 2025. The European Commission faced criticism for not disclosing her hospitalization, having initially informed the public only about her severe pneumonia and canceled appointments. (Bélgica, Bruselas) EFE/EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET ORG XMIT: EA3588
- Serviço/Categoria: EFE / Política
- Crédito: Agência Efe/Folhapress
- Dimensão: 36cm x 28cm
- Tamanho: 13.79 megapixels
- Resolução: 300 dpi
- Palavras-chave: Hospital; EU; MEETING; Pneumonia; Weekly college