Wishky Sharma, a member of the "Kinnar Akhara" congregation for transgender people, looks on outside her tent during the "Maha Kumbh Mela", or the Pitcher Festival, in Prayagraj
- Código: 28681750
- Data do Conteúdo: 15/01/2025
- Inclusão no Site: 15/01/2025 07:26:50
- Legenda: Wishky Sharma, a member of the "Kinnar Akhara" congregation for transgender people, looks on outside her tent during the "Maha Kumbh Mela", or the Pitcher Festival, in Prayagraj, India, January 15, 2025. REUTERS/Anushree Fadnavis ORG XMIT: GGG-AFS04
- Serviço/Categoria: Reuters / Reuters Internacional
- Crédito: Reuters/Folhapress
- Dimensão: 31cm x 22cm
- Tamanho: 9.36 megapixels
- Resolução: 300 dpi
- Palavras-chave: N/A