Heathrow Airport closes all day over power outage following nearby fire
- Código: 29259153
- Data do Conteúdo: 21/03/2025
- Inclusão no Site: 21/03/2025 05:56:10
- Legenda: LONDON (United Kingdom), 21/03/2025.- Passengers wait at Heathrow Airport in London, Britain, 21 March 2025. The Heathrow Airport on 21 March announced it would be closed all day, following a power outage 'due to a fire at an electrical substation supplying the airport'. (Reino Unido, Londres) EFE/EPA/TOLGA AKMEN ORG XMIT: EPA6290
- Serviço/Categoria: EFE / Catástrofes de acidentes naturais
- Crédito: Agência Efe/Folhapress
- Dimensão: 69cm x 46cm
- Tamanho: 44.76 megapixels
- Resolução: 300 dpi
- Palavras-chave: N/A